Usage Clause

Not for commercial use unless permission given.

You may use this UTAU however you’d like, you do not need to ask permission to use this bank. The author merely requests that any works created with this voicebank are tagged with its name. You cannot label the voicebank by any other name, nor can you attribute the voicebank to any other author or character.

Feel free to edit the OTO.ini or FRQ included with the bank. Do not edit voice samples without permission.
Permission is not required to make violent content.
The following types of content are unconditionally prohibited:
– Sexual content of any kind
– Criminal and/or illegal content
– Explicit underage sexual content
– Bigotry and hateful content
You may not redistribute, sell or claim any part of this bank as your own
The character belongs to the creator as well as its voicebanks. Nothing is official unless explicitly stated by the author, heta-tan. 

By proceeding to the next page, you agree to the above terms.