Character Information

    • Alias: Ame Wakana//若菜マユ
    • Real Name : ?
    • Age: 8 (actually 100+ years old) 
    • Birthday: November 1
    • Gender: Female
    • Height: 4’5″| 134cm
    • Weight: 108lbs|49.0Kg 
    • Race: Reanimated Corpse//Frankenstein Monster
    • Blood Type: O

    She is the result of a certain magician toiling in necromancy. Bits and pieces of her come from other dead bodies since she had already begun to rot. Her memory is quite foggy but she still has childish mannerisms. Likes to collect toys intended for small children. She’s been quite absent-minded since coming back from the dead. She’s unaware of her own needs other than food, cannot feel pain anymore.

    • Rebellious (when rules get in the way) and bratty, she’s used to getting what she wants when she wants it.
    • Needs sugar to stay awake and alert, prefers candy as her source of energy. Also craves human flesh, she become violent when cravings kick in.
    • She can be very sweet and caring to those who are closest to her (which seem few and far between since her revival)
    • Likes the finer things in life (spoiled rotten) and cats.
    • Would be considered something akin to a “yandere” and “himedere”